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Three Ways Mentoring Supports Mental Health

It’s University Mental Health Day! Mental health matters every day, but we wanted to take this opportunity to explore some of the positive impacts mentoring can have on student mental health …

Developing a sense of community

In a university setting, feelings of social isolation amongst students can be common. Whether they’ve moved away from their home town, don’t know anyone at their university or are adjusting to living alone for the first time, campus life can feel pretty lonely at first.

A mentoring scheme provides a formal structure around which students can begin to develop a community. Without any of the pressure associated with struggling to ‘make friends’. It helps them familiarise themselves with the people around them, and begin to understand that they’re not alone!

Helping reduce academic anxiety

For a new student, even the smallest of academic hurdles can feel like a huge mountain to climb. Studying is easy when you know the answer, but when you don’t, it doesn’t take much to feel overwhelmed.

Academic mentoring or Peer Assisted Learning is a simple way to give students a helping hand with those small challenges. Challenges that can feel insurmountable at first. Having a mentor who can walk students through those initial challenges helps reduce academic anxiety. It helps stop spirals before they start.

Providing positive role models

In short, a mentor is someone students can relate to. Someone who has been in their shoes and come out on the other side. Someone who has ‘been there and done that’.

The ability to talk to someone who understands what they’re going through is a powerful tool. Not only does it provide them with a positive role mode, but gives them hope for their own future, too!

If a student can see that someone who has been through the same struggles as them has succeeded, they’re far more likely to believe in themselves, too.

Get in touch

We’re firm believers in the power of mentoring, and we want to hear from others who are passionate about supporting student mental health! Got a query or want to share your views? Get in touch.

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